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Shorthand to remove elements from a vector and save as the same name


vector_pop(., n = 1, el = NULL, ret = FALSE)



parent vector


number of elements to remove


vector to remove


TRUE or FALSE. whether to return value instead of setting it to the parent vector


vector with elements removed


num1 <- sample(330:400,10)
name1 <- "ObinnaObianomObiObianom"

#task: remove 1 element from the end of the vector and set it to the vector name
num1 #num1 vector before pop
#>  [1] 342 389 383 386 333 379 336 357 343 364
vector_pop(num1) #does not return anything
num1 #num1 vector updated after pop
#> [1] 342 389 383 386 333 379 336 357 343

#task: remove 5 elements from the end, but do not set it to the vector name
num1 #num1 vector before pop
#> [1] 342 389 383 386 333 379 336 357 343
vector_pop(num1,5, ret = TRUE) #return modified vector
#> [1] 342 389 383 386
num1 #num1 vector remains the same after pop
#> [1] 342 389 383 386 333 379 336 357 343

#task: remove 6 elements from a word, set it back to vector name
name1 #name1 before pop
#> [1] "ObinnaObianomObiObianom"
vector_pop(name1,6) #does not return anything
name1 #name updated after pop
#> [1] "ObinnaObianomObiO"

#task: remove 3 elements from a word, Do not set it back to vector name
name1 #name1 before pop
#> [1] "ObinnaObianomObiO"
vector_pop(name1,3, ret = TRUE) #returns modified name1
#> [1] "ObinnaObianomO"
name1 #name1 not updated after pop
#> [1] "ObinnaObianomObiO"

#task: remove 4 elements from the end of a vector and return both the removed content and remaining
v_f_num <- paste0(number(20),c("TI")) #simulate 20 numbers and add TI suffix
v_f_num #show simulated numbers
#>  [1] "866698546TI" "902358467TI" "886650742TI" "306851957TI" "509968762TI"
#>  [6] "487274754TI" "53693383TI"  "703880359TI" "746617211TI" "808960926TI"
#> [11] "916007042TI" "396251736TI" "250197935TI" "954900876TI" "664845264TI"
#> [16] "731667101TI" "557189988TI" "163955404TI" "576890078TI" "503808426TI"
vector_pop(v_f_num, n = 4, ret = TRUE) #get the modified vector
#>  [1] "866698546TI" "902358467TI" "886650742TI" "306851957TI" "509968762TI"
#>  [6] "487274754TI" "53693383TI"  "703880359TI" "746617211TI" "808960926TI"
#> [11] "916007042TI" "396251736TI" "250197935TI" "954900876TI" "664845264TI"
#> [16] "731667101TI"
vector_pop(v_f_num, n = 4, ret = "removed") #get the content removed
#> [1] "557189988TI" "163955404TI" "576890078TI" "503808426TI"

#task: remove specific items from vector
#note that this aspect of the functionality ignores the 'n' argument
v_f_num_2 <- paste0(number(6, seed = 33),c("AB")) #simulate 6 numbers using seed and add AB suffix
v_f_num_2 #show numbers
#> [1] "841573640AB" "403211378AB" "803690460AB" "66592309AB"  "820265648AB"
#> [6] "966547367AB"
vector_pop(v_f_num_2, el = c("403211378AB")) #remove 1 specific entries
v_f_num_2 #show results
#> [1] "841573640AB" "803690460AB" "66592309AB"  "820265648AB" "966547367AB"
vector_pop(v_f_num_2, el = c("803690460AB","66592309AB")) #remove 2 specific entries
v_f_num_2 #show results
#> [1] "841573640AB" "820265648AB" "966547367AB"